
Jordan Creek has been incredibly blessed with scores of talented, impressive youth! And no matter where they may be in their faith, there is no denying that middle school and high school can be a tumultuous time. For that reason, FUSE may be the most important (and fun) ministry at JCC!

Students in grades 6 through 12 gather on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:20pm to enjoy dinner, games, conversation and lessons about topics that are relevant in their lives.

Friends. Family. Dating. School. Social Media. Sex. Drugs. Peer pressure. You name it.

Not only does FUSE aim to be a support system for students, we have set the goal of placing two Christ-centered adults in the lives of each student. Further, we aim to train our older FUSE members (10, 11, and 12th graders) to be a positive presence in the lives of the younger students. Making disciples who make disciples. We hope you’ll join us on Wednesdays at 6:30pm!

24/25 FUSE Fall Calendar


4 Fuse Kickoff Event Fuse Kickoff Event

11 FUSE @ SCC Week 1: Is there a God? (Part 1)

18 FUSE @ SCC Week 2: Is there a God? (Part 2)

25 No Fuse


2 FUSE @ SCC Week 3: Created for Relationship

9 FUSE @ SCC Week 4: Created for Relationship

16 FUSE @ SCC Week 5: Biblical Trustworthiness

23 FUSE @ SCC Week 6: God (Part 1 - Omni’s - knowledge, presence, power)

30 No Fuse


6 FUSE @ SCC Week 7: God (Part 2 - Holy)

13 FUSE @ SCC Week 8: God (Part 3 - Righteousness)

20 FUSE @ SCC Week 9: The Answer (Jesus)

27 No Fuse


4 FUSE @ SCC Week 10: Review and Baptism

11 FUSE @ SCC Christmas party

18 Christmas/NY Break No Fuse

25 Christmas/NY Break No Fuse